How prevention services can help you
Prevention services are available to all adults living in Derbyshire and includes:
You may be able to find alternative practical support and help to live at home.
If you need more intensive care or support
Contact Call Derbyshire telephone: 01629 533190 or email Our trained team can offer advice and support. Your details will be passed on for an assessment if they feel you meet the eligibility criteria for our services.
You can watch our short video called your care journey that further explains our services and processes.
Preparing for adulthood
Preparing for adulthood services will help you move from children's to adult services. It will help introduce you to new workers and provide support to ensure the transition is positive, well planned, and gives you choice and control over how you want to live your life.
Have your say on adult care
You can make a complaint, comment or compliment about our services.
Adult care leaflets
You can download and order adult care leaflets. You can also ask for leaflets in easy read, large print, Braille, or in another language.