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Adult care complaints and praise

We are keen to ensure we continually look to improve the services that we provide. We value the feedback that we receive from complaints, compliments and comments.

You can raise a complaint, compliment or provide a comment or suggestion in various ways. Telephone and email remain the quickest way to contact us, but please use whichever of the following options best suits you:

What happens when you send a complaint

We aim to

  • acknowledge complaints and enquiries within 3 working days
  • respond within in 20 working days of the acknowledgement

Acknowledgements can be either verbal or in writing. If there's any reason for a delay in responding, we'll write to you explaining this, along with a new time frame.

If you contact us and leave a message, we aim to respond to you within one working day.

If you feel that we have failed to provide a service, acted wrongly or treated you unfairly or discourteously then we want to investigate and put things right.

If you would find it difficult to fully participate in the complaints process due to a disability or other additional need, and you don't have anyone else who could support you, Independent Advocacy may be able to help you. Please contact Cloverleaf Advocacy, email or tel: 01924 454875 to talk through your Advocacy needs.

If we've responded to your complaint, you can contact the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.

What happens when you send a compliment

It's always nice to hear positive feedback and we appreciate anyone taking the time to provide us with this information.

We'll always ensure that the compliment is sent on to the person or service it relates to and their senior manager. This will then be recorded, and we'll look to ensure this good practice is shared more widely with the department.

What happens when you send a comment

A comment is a remark or observation that may require immediate action. However, this does not warrant a formal investigation. We would welcome this feedback as this information will support with improving our services.

We'll make sure that the comment is seen by the most appropriate person, and we'll look to ensure that if there is any learning this is shared within adult care services. We'll always ensure that your comment is acknowledged.

All feedback will be reported to our senior leaders and will be summarised within the annual report.

Healthwatch Derbyshire

If you feel you unable to approach us Healthwatch Derbyshire is the independent champion for health and social care services. They listen to you and make sure decision-makers use your feedback to improve standards of care.

If you'd like to give feedback on our services, Healthwatch Derbyshire would be happy to hear what you think and how our service could be made better.