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Sustainable travel and smarter choices

We want to help you think about transport and help you move towards more sustainable travel options such as walking, cycling, public transport and car sharing.

Persuading people to break the habit of simply getting in the car for everyday journeys is not easy.

While we know the use of a car is sometimes unavoidable it's important to show that realistic sustainable travel options do exist for all sorts of journeys.

This is why we subsidise buses to run where and when people need them. It's why we have community transport schemes for people who can't easily use public transport. It's why we support walking and cycling throughout our county. And it's why we operate a free car share scheme for anyone in the county to use.

We ask people who live and work in the county, or who just visit, to think twice about their travel choices and to consider more sustainable travel options.

These 'smarter choices' are smarter for several reasons as they can:

  • help you stay fit and healthy
  • save you money
  • improve the environment by reducing harmful carbon emissions
  • lessen congestion on our roads

View our video on how Active Travel can help your health and wellbeing.

Recent research, undertaken for the Department of Transport (DfT), has found that an intensive smarter choices programme, over a 10 year period, can cut car traffic significantly. For example:

  • urban peak-hour traffic could be cut by 21% and off-peak by 13%
  • non-urban peak-hour traffic could be cut by 14% and off-peak by 7%
  • nationally traffic volumes could be cut by 11%

For workplaces and developments requiring planning permission, this may mean the development of a travel plan. A travel plan is a document that sets out actions and initiatives to promote modes of travel other than single person car use. It can help to reduce the traffic impact of any potential development, by promoting and enabling modes of travel including walking, cycling, car share and public transport. Our travel plan advice accords with that available from Nottinghamshire County Council.

To provide a balanced local smarter choices programme, we offer a selection of services and information:

  • a dedicated team of professionals working with businesses, and other organisations, to develop workplace travel plans and to promote flexible working practises
  • access to STARSfor, an online travel planning toolkit. Workplaces can use STARSfor to produce travel plans that help support corporate social responsibility objectives. Developers can use STARSfor to produce travel plans of suitable quality and consistency to assist the discharge of planning conditions. STARSfor is the preferred methodology for submission of travel plans in Derbyshire.
  • advice and assistance with complementary areas of work, including road safety, public health and traffic management
  • Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategy which provides information for parents about the work we do with schools and further education establishments regarding the promotion of sustainable transport
  • the Derbyshire Cycling Plan has been developed by a range of partners across all of Derbyshire. This high level plan, committed at the highest level, aims to get more people on bikes by 2030. The plan was launched at an event at Derby Arena on 19 January 2016
  • school crossing patrols
  • access to a countywide car share matching service. To join, you need to download the Kinto app to your phone.

Creating a cycle friendly workplace

We're helping local workplaces to support their staff to cycle. Increasing cycling and walking within your organisation can help your employees and your workplace become healthier, happier and more productive.

Creating a cycle-friendly workplace provides tips on the positive steps you can take to engage your staff and start your journey towards becoming a cycle friendly employer.


Sustainable Travel Team, email