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Electric vehicles and charging points

Lots of Derbyshire residents are already benefitting from switching to an electric vehicle. 

Could you be next to reap the benefits? There are lots of positives for you and the environment.

We want to encourage more motorists to make the switch as part of our commitment to cutting carbon emissions and improving air quality in Derbyshire.

It's all part of our climate change strategy for Derbyshire to reduce carbon, improve environmental sustainability and make the county cleaner and greener.

We're working with partner organisations on a plan to install more electric vehicle charging points across the county over the next 10 years as part of our Low Emission Vehicles Infrastructure Strategy (LEVI). The strategy and action plan are attached to this page.

We've committed to getting 1,000 electric vehicle charge points in place throughout the county by 2025.

To help us locate these chargepoints in the most suitable locations, where our residents need them, please complete a short survey to provide feedback.

To get an up-to-date view of charging points near you and further afield, you can use websites such as Zap Map.

Switching to an electric vehicle can make sense for a lot of people, depending on how you use your vehicle. To make sure you're in the know, we've busted 10 common myths.

1. It's really expensive to switch to an electric vehicle

The price of an electric vehicle varies depending on which brand of car or van you choose. And like any new car they can be a big investment.

Some low emission vehicles are eligible for a plug-in car grant. These include wheelchair accessible vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds, vans, trucks and taxis. You do not need to apply for this grant - it is automatically applied by the seller.

Reduced fuel, tax and running costs all help to bring down the overall cost of choosing an electric or hybrid vehicle.

Electric vehicles have cheaper fuel costs because electricity is cheaper than petrol or diesel if you can charge at home. Electric vehicles have lower maintenance costs too. It's estimated that the average servicing and maintenance costs for electric vehicles is 23% lower than petrol vehicles over a 3-year period or 60,000 miles.

Before you buy your vehicle, you'll need to think about where you're going to charge it.

Some manufacturers provide a home charge unit for free or at a discounted price with their vehicles.

If you are a renter or own a flat, you could be eligible for a grant from the government of up to £350 towards the cost of the installation.

The most cost-effective way to charge your car or van is at home.

2. There are not many places to charge an electric vehicle

We continue to work in partnership with other agencies, including local district and borough councils, to identify additional sites for charging points. Since 2019 more than 337 public charge points have been installed across the county with more to follow.

3. Electric vehicles are not very reliable

Batteries are a major part of an electric vehicle but a battery in an electric vehicle is very different to the one you would find in your mobile phone for example. They do not deteriorate at the same rate as those used in a mobile or laptop.

4. You cannot drive very far in an electric vehicle

You can actually drive a lot further than you might think. The range of electric vehicles is improving all the time with some of the latest models able to drive more than 150 miles on a single charge and some considerably further.

All electric vehicles display live information about how much charge your vehicle has and how far you'll be able to travel.

5. It's not really beneficial to switch to an electric vehicle

There are lots of benefits including:

  • lower carbon emissions which is good news for climate change
  • they're quieter than a diesel or petrol engine so there's less noise pollution
  • fewer emissions mean better air quality

6. You can only have 100% electric vehicles

As well as zero emission 100% electric vehicles (also known as pure electric vehicles) there are also plug-in hybrids (PHEVs), extended-range electric vehicles (E_REV) and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCEVs).

Plug-in hybrids

Plug-in hybrid vehicles are a mix of electric and petrol or diesel. They have a smaller battery than a 100% electric vehicle and will travel a shorter distance.

When the battery is empty the vehicle will continue its journey powered by its engine using petrol or diesel.

Extended-range electric vehicles

Extended-range electric vehicles have a plug-in battery pack and electric motor, as well as an internal combustion engine.

This differs from a plug-in hybrid because the electric motor always drives the wheels, with the internal combustion engine acting as a generator to recharge the battery when it starts to get low.

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles

This vehicle is powered by an electrochemical device similar to a battery. But unlike a battery it does not need recharging and will continue to generate power as long as it is fed with a supply of hydrogen.

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are refuelled at a filling station in a similar way to vehicles with a petrol or diesel engine. There are currently not many hydrogen vehicles or charging stations.

7. Taxing an electric vehicle is really expensive

Pure electric cars are exempt from paying Vehicle Excise Duty (VED), at least for the first year – another great reason to switch.

8. You cannot take your electric charging point with you if you move house

Yes you can! However, if your charger was funded through a government grant you'll need to get permission from the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) first first. Charges will apply for disconnecting and reinstalling your charging point at a new property. It may be simpler to install a new charging point.

9. Electric vehicles are not very popular

Many Derbyshire residents are already benefitting from switching to an electric vehicle and by March 2024 the number of registered plug-in vehicles in Derbyshire had increased to over 18,500. This is expected to increase to over 40,000 by 2025.

10. Switching to an electric vehicle will not slow down climate change

Transport accounts for around a quarter of the UK's carbon emissions and is a key contributor to climate change.

Pure electric vehicles do not produce any greenhouse gas exhaust emissions when being driven and the emissions from plug-in hybrids are significantly lower than from a petrol or diesel car. Smaller, lighter electric vehicles have the lowest whole-life carbon emissions.

So switching to an electric vehicle makes it easier for drivers to reduce their carbon footprint and play a part in protecting the future of our planet.

Information for businesses

Many companies are installing charging points for their staff, meaning they can simply plug in when they arrive using the cable supplied with their car. If your business is interested in installing charging points, it may be eligible for support through the workplace charging scheme.

Other local transport schemes

Electric vehicles aren't the only way that transport in Derbyshire can be greener. Here are some local schemes which aim to make it easier for residents to travel more sustainably.

Wheels to Work helps people without access to their own transport attend work or training. The project has a pool of electric mopeds and e-bikes available in Staveley.

Members of The Belper Car Club can register to use one of 2 shared vehicles located in the town.

Residents in Buxton and the Hope Valley can take part in Moving Together which is a volunteer-led project aiming to make local travel more sustainable.