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Highways development control

We're involved in the approval process of any planning applications received by both the district and county planning authorities.

When considering any development proposals we aim to ensure that all new developments within Derbyshire are assessed in terms of their safety and impact on the roads.

Planning applications

As part of the planning process the planning authorities consult with us on a weekly basis regarding applications where highway related issues may be a concern.

We have 3 weeks in which to make a formal response to the planning authorities. We have 3 options:

  • to request further information in order to resolve highway concerns or clarify the proposals
  • offer no objections to the proposal and recommend planning conditions - where the application is considered to have no detrimental effect on highway issues or the effects can be mitigated by improvement works
  • request that the application be refused on the grounds of highway safety - such requests are made on the understanding that the reasons given must be sustainable if challenged on appeal

We can only make requests and recommendations. The final decision rests with the relevant planning authority or committee.

Pre-planning enquiries

We recognise that pre-application discussion has a number of benefits, including:

  • reduction in the time spent by professional advisors in working up a proposal
  • helping to ensure a smoother and quicker passage through the decision process
  • ensuring an application is complete, comprehensive and to a satisfactory standard - avoiding rejection at the registration stage or early refusal of permission because of inadequate information

Working in partnership with the planning authorities, we'll try to respond to all pre-application enquiries. It's the highway authority's normal practice to share any pre-application advice it offers with the appropriate local planning authority.

It's a requirement that developers bring forward formal proposals and do not seek the design from us.

Contact us

For planning-related matters, email

For adoption and construction-related matters, including Section 278 and 38 agreements, and requests for a Section 278/38 application form, please email

Manual for streets

The manual for streets replaces previous guidance on residential street design, in particular 'Design Bulletin 32' and 'Places Streets and Movements'.

We've resolved to work in partnership with authorities in the 6C's region to produce design guidance in respect of highways and transport infrastructure associated with new development.

Our travel plan advice accords with that available from Nottinghamshire County Council.

The guidance contained within the design manual for roads and bridges may be considered relevant when considering applications in less developed urban or rural areas, where traffic flows are high, where speeds are in excess of 30mph, and where the highways involved are classified roads.

You can find out more in the planning and highways agreements section.

Guidance for retrofit SuDs for highways

We've developed a design guide covering the maintenance, specification, and standard details for sustainable drainage systems (SUDs) on the highway.

This design guide should be adhered to by all contractors working on the Derbyshire network.

A copy of the guide can be requested by emailing

Adopted roads

For information on adopted roads, please see our list of streets.