We have held a number of Traffic Open Forums which influenced a change of bus timetable to enable Gold Card Holders to travel nearer the 9.30am deadline for free travel. There was a reintroduction of 3-hour parking to bridge the gap from a 2-hour tariff. We also carried out a traffic survey which led to an experimental new traffic flow scheme.
Two committee members are governors with Derbyshire Community Health Services which makes decisions about care strategy.
We helped to form Ashbourne and District University of the Third Age. The U3A has many different groups set up covering a variety of subjects and interests. Why not see if there is anything for you? Go along, share your talent, interest or hobby whilst mixing with others and having fun!
During 2022 the forum was heavily involved in the setting up of the Tea, Talk ‘N’ Tech Digital Café which offers free and friendly help to improve digital skills and get people connected.
Sessions are held at the new Ashbourne Sports and Community Pavilion on a Thursday from 11am to 1pm. For more information telephone: 01335 818283.
What we're doing
Health issues continue to be addressed. We held 3 Feel Good Look Good events covering many aspects of conventional, complementary, spiritual and financial wellbeing. We continue to be involved in influencing the decisions which will affect our community.
Meetings and events
See 50+ Forums meeting and events.
Contact us
We currently have over 150 members and a committee of 9.
Write to:
John Dick
Hill View
Telephone: 01335 370200
Or contact Jo Marples, forum support officer, email or mobile: 07970 316320.
You can also attend one of our open forum events and join on the day.