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Disabled parking bays

We can provide an advisory parking bay on a residential street, outside or as close as is feasibly possible to a Blue Badge holder's property.

We can provide the bay subject to it not contravening any of the following:

  • existing waiting restrictions and / or dedicated parking spaces that are applied to the carriageway
  • within 10 metres of a road junction
  • it is not in a location that would create a danger or obstruction
  • in a dedicated vehicular turning area
  • where the provision of off-street parking is a practical alternative
  • the overall carriageway width is not less than 5.5m
  • being located where there are existing traffic calming or other highway features, for example speed humps

We'll only provide disabled parking bays, as long as the applicant meets the following criteria:

  • the driver of the vehicle is disabled and is a Blue Badge holder
  • the applicant must be the vehicle owner and main driver and live permanently at the property where the bay is located
  • an assessment has been completed by a social care professional to confirm the mobility of the driver
  • the applicant does not have access to off-street parking provision, such as a driveway or a garage
  • the applicant lives on the type of street where parking issues exist on an all day and everyday basis
  • the only exemption would be a Blue Badge holding passenger who cannot be left while the driver finds an alternative parking space - this will be determined during an assessment with adult care or children's services

If the applicant meets the criteria they should contact Call Derbyshire telephone: 01629 533190.

It's important to note that markings are laid in an advisory capacity and is open to use by any Blue Badge holder but carries no legal weighting with respect to either civil enforcement through the Highway Authority or other enforcement via the police.

Sometimes it can be difficult to provide a bay in residential streets where on-street parking is at a premium because the bay may encroach over a neighbour's property. In some cases, where there is a significant loss of parking space, we'll write to the neighbouring property explaining our intentions.

The parking bay is available for use by all legitimate users and should not be regarded as a personally reserved space.

If the marking is continuously ignored, ineffective, and problematic or if the circumstances of the applicant change, then the marking may be removed.

If the bay is no longer required please contact Call Derbyshire, telephone: 01629 533190 for removal of the marking.