Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.
1007 results shown for search keywords primary school request for a place
If your child is due to start primary, infant, junior or secondary education and you live in Derbyshire you should apply to us.
A Safe Place is somewhere you can go if you feel scared, are lost or need help when you are out and about.
The Derbyshire Trading Standards business advice and enquiries policy - helping businesses comply with the law.
While we do not have a general scheme of assistance to provide school clothing, clothing grants or other financial help for parents, there is support on offer.
The GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 give individuals the right to obtain a copy of their personal information as well as other supplementary information.
Each day we provide, and fund, school bus services for more than 8,000 pupils who attend schools and colleges across Derbyshire.
Schools must follow legal guidance on the cost of school uniforms which includes making sure they're affordable.
The options available to you and your child for travelling between school or college and home.
Check if your child can get free school meals and apply to us.
Find out more about school crossing patrols, what the job involves, rates of pay, or whether there are any vacancies in your area.
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