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School transport

As a parent, it's your responsibility to make sure your child attends school, and in most cases transport and associated costs are the responsibility of the family. In some cases we're able to offer help with transport.

This is a summary of who may be eligible for transport assistance, and how you can apply as a parent or carer of a child who lives in Derbyshire, for help to attend school or other place of learning.

This includes children with special educational needs or disabilities.

This information is only for children attending school up to school leaving age. There is a separate post-16 policy for students who continue in education after this point.

For full details please refer to the relevant policy document attached to this page.

Eligibility for children of compulsory school age

In Derbyshire, home to school transport arrangements will be made for children of compulsory school age, attending a maintained school, college or academy, who meet any of the following eligibility criteria until they reach school leaving age:

  • the child attends the normal area school, a school closer than the normal area school, or the nearest suitable school as determined by us
  • the child lives beyond the statutory walking distance from that school

The statutory walking distance is:

  • 2 miles for children under the age of 8
  • 3 miles for children aged 8 and above

(Education Act 1996, Section 444(5)).

You can find the normal area school for your home address.

If you would like to check if there are schools closer than your normal area school:

How the distance is measured

Home to school distance is measured from the address, at which the child lives during the normal school week. Where the child shares equal time between different parental addresses, eligibility will normally be assessed from the property nearest to the school attended.

Distances under the statutory walking distance will normally be measured:

  • by the 'shortest available walking route', which is defined as the shortest route along which a child, accompanied as necessary, may walk safely
  • the route measured may include footpaths, bridleways, and other pathways, as well as recognised roads

Distances over the statutory walking distance will normally be measured along road routes.

The assistance available

Families entitled to transport assistance will normally be provided with a free bus pass. This may be for travel on a dedicated school bus or a public bus service.

For families who live in rural areas where no suitable bus service is available, we may offer mileage allowance.

Assistance for families on low income

The Education and Inspections Act 2006 introduced additional right to transport assistance for families with low incomes. This is known as 'extended rights'. More information is available on our home to school transport - families in receipt of benefit page.

Assistance to faith schools

Unless the usual criteria is met, we do not provide transport assistance to faith schools. You may be entitled if your family is on a low income and more information is in the policy document attached to this page.

Applying for travel assistance for children with an education health and care plan

If your child has an education health and care plan (EHCP) please email for information and advice on assistance for eligible students aged 2 to 25 with special educational needs attending schools and colleges.

You can find more information on the Derbyshire Local Offer.

Applying for travel assistance for all other children

If you feel you may be entitled to transport assistance please apply online.

Apply for home to school transport assistance

Year 7 secondary intake

Many year 6 pupils transferring to secondary school have been automatically assessed for eligibility for home to school transport and notified of entitlement by email or letter.

This process does not identify all eligible children. Parents and carers who have not received a letter or email should apply as soon as possible if they feel their child is eligible.

If you have any questions about entitlement to travel assistance, email

If you have any questions about school bus services, routes, and charges email

Paying for travel on a school bus

Students who aren't entitled to any help with transport costs may still be able to travel and pay a fare to the driver for each journey they make. However, this is only available on school bus services that are registered to take paying passengers. Typically, services that are not available to fare paying pupils are those that use minibuses.

Families can apply to buy a pass for transport on these services. For more information, email

Other help with travel costs

You may be able to get help with travel costs through our b_line travel scheme for all young people aged 11 to 18.

Transport review process

If you have received a written decision about school transport assistance that you are not happy with, you can request a review of that decision.

Requests should be made within 20 working days of the decision date on your letter.

A review of the decision will be made within 20 working days of your request being received and a detailed written notification of the outcome will be issued. If you are still dissatisfied with the outcome of the review you can, within 20 working days of the review decision, request a further review by an independent appeal panel. These requests should be made in writing:

Further details about the review process are available in the Home to School Transport Policy for Children of Compulsory School Age attached to this page.