Plans by Derbyshire County Council and Derby City Council to fix and operate a waste treatment facility in Sinfin are on hold.
A unique archive of a Derbyshire carriage maker is now in the care of Derbyshire Record Office.
People are encouraged to have their say on the future of 2 types of grant funding to voluntary and community groups across Derbyshire.
A project to reduce and improve the buildings used by the public sector in Matlock is gathering pace, as partners agree to move to the next stage.
A retired NHS healthcare manager, consultant and businessman with 17 years’ experience as a local councillor has been appointed as our new Civic Chairman.
Commitment to the Buxton Museum and Art Gallery and its future in its hometown has been underlined by the Council’s Leader as he announced that the service will permanently move from its current base.
The number of school places for children with special needs is increasing by around 500 as part of a £9.7 million investment we’re making to support vulnerable learners.
A Buxton business has been fined a total of £6,000 and ordered to pay £5,000 in costs after admitting charges of selling a knife and a vape to an underaged person.
On Monday 17 June 2024, we'll start work on a major 12-week repair programme to rebuild a storm damaged retaining wall at Brough, near Bradwell in Derbyshire.
We are appealing for witnesses following the vandalism and theft from statues to commemorate miners tragically killed at Markham Colliery near Chesterfield.
A tree planting ceremony has been held to officially mark the start and progress of work on a new £9 million primary school we’ve funded.
Derbyshire residents are being encouraged to have their say on proposals to redesign our residential care and day centres for older people.
Our annual surface dressing programme is set to start from Tuesday 14 May 2024, subject to weather conditions, which is part of wider work to repair and improve the county’s roads.
A series of developments are underway at the Markham Vale Business Park which will bring benefits to businesses, jobseekers, residents and the environment.
Parents of children who require a modified school meals menu will now find it easier thanks to a new medical diet portal our school catering service has introduced.
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