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Children with disabilities

If your child has a disability or additional needs there is practical support, information and advice for children, young people and their families.

The level of support that will be required will be different from child to child. We believe that all young people should be seen as individuals.

A comprehensive guide to all services for children with disabilities can be found on Derbyshire Local Offer.

Direct payments for children

Do you want more choice, flexibility or control? A direct payment can help you manage the care you receive and make the most of the services available to you or your child.

You can find out more about direct payments for children in social care on Derbyshire Local Offer.

Framework of providers

Finding the most appropriate support or activities for your child or young person is important.

There is a framework of providersin place to help identify and arrange services for disabled children, young people and families needing support.

Preparing for adulthood

Preparing for adulthood is the period in your life when you change from being a child to an adult.

Transition to adulthood on Derbyshire Local Offer explains what our service provides.