Role of a learning disability rep
Your role is to be a member of a local partnership board.
You will speak up for people with a learning disability in Derbyshire.
With support, a rep will:
- take part in local partnership board meetings
- take part in other meetings
- vote at meetings
- work with other members of the partnership boards
- go through the notes from meetings and make sure they understand them
- work with professionals
- prepare for their next meeting
- travel around the county by walking, in taxis or on the bus
- tell other people about their meetings and get their views and ideas. Include everybody with a learning disability
- ask people what is important to them and take this back to local partnership boards
- be aware of local learning disability issues and problems
With support, a rep will:
- be professional
- be reliable and committed
- be on time
- work well in a team
- know when you have meetings
- wear your identity badge
- stick to the rules at meetings
- make sure people know you are a rep and what you do
- have a professional appearance - this means being neat and clean
- have a learning disability rep review meeting at least every 2 years
With support, a rep will want to learn:
- to take part in reps on board to get training
- how to chair or co-chair meetings
- communication skills including Makaton
- to try new things and learn new skills
- how to share information with other people including what you learn at meetings