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Primary school places for children with special educational needs

For school places for children with a statement of special educational needs or an education health and care plan parents should contact our special needs section, email

The term special educational needs is used when children have a learning difficulty or disability, which makes it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age.

A child with special educational needs may need extra help or different help from other pupils of the same age. Only a few children with special educational needs require a detailed assessment by us. This used to be called a statutory assessment of special educational needs. It's now known as an education, health and care needs assessment.

Following an education, health and care assessment, we may decide to issue an education health and care plan which describes your child's needs and how they should be met. It also gives you the opportunity to express a preference for which maintained school your child should attend.

More information about our provision for children with special educational needs is available on the Local Offer website

It's our policy to meet children's needs, wherever possible, in mainstream schools including those schools with enhanced resource status.

Most children with statements or education health and care plans will be educated in mainstream schools, but places at enhanced resource and special schools are given to some pupils with statements or education health and care plans.

For school places for children with a statement of special educational needs or education health and care plan parents should email or write to:

Special Needs Section
Children's Services
Derbyshire County Council
County Hall

Look at our glossary if there are any terms you are unsure of the meaning of.