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Horticulture, construction and upholstery courses

Take advantage of the many opportunities in Derbyshire and get qualified in construction, horticulture or upholstery.

student learning to tile a wall

Certificate in Construction Multi Skills

This course is for those with no experience of construction trade crafts who want to learn skills and knowledge of the trade.


This level 2 diploma is for those with some experience in construction, who want to gain the level 2 diploma to enable them to work in the industry.

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The level 1 course is for people with no experience of plastering, you will work towards a level 1 certificate to be able to progress onto our level 2 diploma.

The level 2 diploma is for people with some experience of plastering, achieving the level 2 diploma qualification will allow you to work in the industry.

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Dry stone walling

Want to learn a valuable heritage and sustainable skill that could give you self-employment in our beautiful countryside or work in another part of the world? Learn from the best with experienced and passionate working wallers.

We run dry stone walling courses from Derbyshire Eco Centre and other venues in north Derbyshire.

Level 1 certificate in dry stone walling

Six sessions, including test day.

Cost Band A £392 / Band C £211 (including £132 Dry Stone Wall Association course fee)

Level 2 certificate in dry stone walling

Ten sessions, including test day.

Cost Band A £495 / Band C £282 (including £180 Dry Stone Wall Association course fee)

If you are interested in doing a drystone walling qualification, please email or telephone: 01629 533038.

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Upholstery courses

Do you want to learn how to upholster a chair or stool? Our upholstery courses are a great way to give new life to furniture. Create something unique and learn new skills. We have leisure classes across Derbyshire and also offer the AMUSF qualification.

The Association of Master Upholsterers and Soft Furnishers certificates and diploma

We work with the Association of Master Craftsmen and Upholsterers (AMUSF) to offer qualifications in Derbyshire. results achieved in 2022, with all our learners achieving a distinction.

The AMUSF qualifications are very practical with learners working through a number of traditional and modern tasks and coming away from the course with knowledge, skills and unique pieces of furniture.

These qualifications can lead to employment within the industry or with additional practice can lead to starting a small business.

The upholstery qualification is delivered in 3 stages with each stage being a qualification in its own right, and each stage certificated separately. For more information contact Ashbourne ACE Centre, email or telephone: 01629 533696.

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Upholstery leisure courses

Our non-vocational traditional upholstery courses are excellent for anyone wanting to develop upholstery skills without working towards a qualification.

Learners take along a project to upholster and work through each stage until the item is completed. These courses are a great opportunity to upgrade any upholstered furniture including chairs, stools and ottomans.

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