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Proposed redesign of residential care and day opportunities for older people (adult care)

Status: Closed

Opens: 15 May 2024 - Closes: 7 August 2024

What this consultation is about

See this page in BSL.

We're consulting on proposals to review and redesign the residential care homes and day opportunities for older people which we currently operate.

Our Best Life Derbyshire transformation puts people at the heart of adult social care. We’re committed to helping older people in Derbyshire lead independent lives, at home and in their local communities for as long as they can. More people are choosing to live independently at home for longer, resulting in a reduction in the demand for traditional residential care. People who come into residential care are now frailer and have more complex needs, such as dementia, and so require more specialist care. This is why we are proposing to focus on reablement and specialist dementia care going forward.

Like many other councils across the country, we're facing financial pressures outside our control. These include inflationary pressures, meeting the cost of the national pay award and increasing demand on services which means we must make significant savings to continue to balance the books. This is why we are reviewing all our spending and looking at providing many services in different, more efficient ways.

To support the growing number of people with dementia and their carers now and in the future and given the budget challenges we’re facing, we are proposing to review and redesign services we provide directly.

The new proposed model would focus on short-term enablement for older people, specialist dementia care and respite for carers of people living with dementia. This would include, integrated and flexible specialist dementia day opportunities. There’s a shortage of specialist care and by consolidating our services to focus on specialist services for people with dementia and their carers we will have the resources needed to meet demand while ensuring adult care and health is sustainable so we can continue to support those who need us most. Unpaid carers who support people with dementia at home say having a break is vital to help them in their role. This is why we are proposing to consolidate and focus on providing flexible respite care to support people and their carers maintain arrangements. It is within this context that we are consulting on the 2 options set out.

On 29 April 2024 Cabinet approved a public consultation on a proposed redesign of both the residential care provision and day opportunities for older people that we run, with 2 options to be considered. You can see the proposals in full on the Derbyshire Democracy website for the Cabinet meeting on 29 April 2024.

Drop-in sessions

There are drop-in sessions on some of our libraries to help you to take part in the consultation. They all take place between 10am and midday and they're as follows:

Virtual meetings

Further virtual meetings have been arranged for residents of Derbyshire to take part in the consultation. These will be held between 6.30pm and 7.30pm on the following dates:

  • Wednesday 24 July 2024
  • Monday 29 July 2024

You will need to book a place by email or tel: 01629 531307.

How to take part

We are carrying out this consultation in the following ways:

  • Questionnaire - Online
  • Questionnaire - Paper
  • Virtual meetings with the public

Who is the consultation aimed at?

Which part of Derbyshire is this consultation aimed at?
  • All Derbyshire (excluding Derby City)
Generally, who is this consultation aimed at?
  • Service users
Specifically, who is this consultation aimed at?
  • Adults

How will we let you know the results?

Feedback about this consultation will be available by the following methods:

  • Our website

Contact details


  • Derbyshire Adult Care
  • County Hall
  • Matlock
  • Derbyshire
  • DE4 3AG