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Tobacco and smoking

Smoking remains the most preventable cause of premature death, ill health and health inequality in Derbyshire.

It's a major cause of coronary heart disease, lung cancer and respiratory diseases particularly chronic obstructive airways disease. One in 2 smokers will die from a smoking-related disease on average 10 years early.

You can sign up to receive regular emails to help you stop smoking. You'll receive 10 weeks of top tips and advice to help you quit for good.

Sign up to get help to stop smoking

Stopping smoking is the best thing you will ever do and here's why.

It will improve your health

By quitting smoking your breathing and circulation will improve, the appearance of your skin and teeth will improve and your sense of smell and taste will improve.

You will notice the benefits of quitting quickly, after 48 hours carbon monoxide will be eliminated from the body with the lungs starting to clear out mucus and other smoking debris, and after 72 hours breathing becomes easier and energy levels increase.

Longer term benefits include reducing your risk of heart disease, heart attacks and cancers.

You will save money

On average most people that quit can save £150 per month, to find out how much you can save enter your details into NHS cost calculator.

You will protect your family

Stopping smoking is the best way to protect your family from the dangerous effects of secondhand smoke.

Over 80% of secondhand smoke is invisible and odourless and it contains over 4,000 chemicals.

People who breathe in secondhand smoke are at risk of the same diseases as smokers, including cancers and heart disease.

Why quit with your local stop smoking service?

Expert advisers will provide you with advice, support and encouragement.

Stop smoking medicines such as nicotine patches can help you quit, your stop smoking adviser will be able to help you choose the right product for you.

You're up to 3 times more likely to quit than if you go it alone.

Live Life Better Derbyshire

If you live or work in Derbyshire (excluding Derby City Council area) or are registered with a Derbyshire GP then Live Life Better Derbyshire offers free stop smoking support.

This includes telephone and face-to-face appointments, one-to-one and group support, access to a private Facebook support group, support from a trained adviser, and free nicotine replacement products.

If you're interested in quitting and would like to find out more about your free local stop smoking service contact Live Life Better Derbyshire, email, telephone: 0800 085 2299 or 01629 538200.


If you're registered to a Derby GP then Livewell can offer you help to quit, telephone: 01332 641254.

My Quit Route

My Quit Route is our free stop smoking app that will give you the expert advice and scientifically-proven tools you need to quit smoking for good.

Alongside support from your adviser My Quit Route will guide you to:

  • help change how you think about smoking
  • recognise all the positives of quitting
  • focus on what is really motivating you to go smoke-free
  • learn how to avoid weight gain when you no longer smoke
  • consider what other support options are available to you

You can download My Quit Route for Apple and Android.

Stop smoking in pregnancy

Stopping smoking is the best thing you can do for your baby. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth and low birth weight. The good news is, it's never too late to stop smoking.

Life Live Better Derbyshire provides specialist stop smoking support for pregnant women.

To find out more about stopping smoking in pregnancy you can also visit:

If you're interested in quitting and would like to find out more about the free local Stop Smoking Service or find your nearest stop smoking adviser visit Live Life Better Derbyshire, email or telephone: 0800 085 2299 or 01629 538200.