Adult social care and health
Responsibilities include:
- home care and day services for older, disabled and vulnerable people
- disability equipment and minor home adaptations
- support for carers
- hospital discharge services
- short term specialist community beds
- reablement
- falls prevention
- in-house residential homes
- community care centres and extra care housing schemes
- quality and safeguarding across all residential homes
- specialist dementia care
- preventative and wellbeing services
- benefits and debt advice
- public health
- health visiting and school nursing
- national child measurement programme
- NHS health check
- sexual health services
- substance misuse services
- partnerships with the health service
Executive Director of Adult Care and Health: Simon Stevens.
Children's services
Responsibilities include:
- support for vulnerable families and disabled children
- children's centres
- sports and outdoor learning
- school improvement services
- school meals
- school place planning and building
- special educational needs
- adult community education
- services traded with schools
- pre-school and childcare support
- safeguarding and child protection
- fostering and adoption
- youth offending service
- leaving care service
- early help
Executive Director of Children's Services: Carol Cammiss.
Corporate services and transformation
Responsibilities include:
- property
- finance
- Digital Services
- HR
- legal and democratic services
- community safety
- refugee resettlement
- policy
- research
- performance
- communications including digital and Call Derbyshire
- strategic commissioning
- procurement
- strategic partnerships
- member and management services
- registrar and coroner services
Executive Director of Corporate Services and Transformation: Joe O'Sullivan.
Responsibilities include:
- roads
- footpaths
- public and community transport
- road safety
- economic development and regeneration
- trading standards
- Trusted Trader
- broadband expansion
- minerals, transport and strategic planning
- emergency planning
- household waste recycling centres
- waste planning and management
- building and landscape conservation
- countryside sites
- strategic economic partnerships
- inward investment
- tourism
- libraries and heritage
- rail policy
- HS2
- employment and skills
- flooding
- environmental policy
- climate change
Executive Director: Chris Henning