Run by our Trading Standards, it aims to build confidence in local businesses by promoting high standards and excellent customer care.
Advertising your membership
One of your membership benefits is that you can use the Trusted Trader logo to tell your customers that you run a fair and reliable business. Information about advertising your membership and using the Trusted Trader logo is attached to this page.
Order more stationery
Trusted Trader members can order more stationery such as feedback cards, vehicle stickers and window stickers.
Order Trusted Trader stationery
The stationery will be sent out to you as soon as possible by post.
Trusted Trader newsletters
We produce an email newsletter for our Trusted Trader members.
Satisfaction surveys
We send out an annual survey to our Trusted Trader members by email.
Contact us
If you're a Trusted Trader member and you have any questions about your membership then please contact us, email or telephone: 01629 536148.