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COVID-19 Community Fund

The response to the COVID-19 pandemic has seen many organisations across Derbyshire working to ensure the needs of the most vulnerable residents are met.

Derbyshire's public health team recognise that a number of community and voluntary sector organisations would benefit from additional resources to continue to support those most affected by the pandemic.

The COVID-19 Community Fund aims to support voluntary and community sector organisations by providing much needed funding. This allows them to continue to play a key role in the local response to COVID-19 and to improve the health and wellbeing of Derbyshire residents.

The criteria for applications for the fund will be in line with the national and local approach, as outlined in the government's Living with COVID-19 plan. This highlights the continued importance of promoting safer behaviours across the population to reduce the risk of infection and protecting those people most vulnerable to COVID-19. This includes the promotion and encouragement of access to the COVID-19 vaccination programme.

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the already existing health inequalities across Derbyshire, meaning poorer outcomes for those already disadvantaged. Community and voluntary organisations play an essential role in helping tackle these.

Organisations able to apply to the COVID-19 Community Response Fund

Formally constituted and non-constituted organisations can both apply.

Formally constituted

Formally constituted means that organisations must have a bank account with at least 2 independent signatories, a governing document or list of governing members, a purpose, and a set of rules.

Non-formally constituted

In addition, many mutual aid groups have been established as a part of the support mechanisms within communities. By definition, these groups are self-organised and led by volunteers and will not be formally constituted. However, to recognise the role that they are playing in the response to COVID-19, it is proposed that mutual aid groups and other non-constituted organisations are eligible to apply.

Other organisations

Organisations with an existing contractual arrangement in place with the public health department should contact us, initially, to determine whether they would be eligible to apply.

Individuals, schools, local government departments, statutory bodies, such as the police and the NHS, and organisations that make a profit, are all ineligible for the COVID-19 Community Fund.

How much you can apply for

Formally constituted organisations can apply for a maximum of £2,000.

Non-constituted organisations can apply for a maximum of £250.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for funding, organisations must:

  • not have an existing contractual agreement in place with the public health department
  • be known to the public health department through previous partnership working, be known to our Community Response Unit, or be known to the network of district forums that support the work of the Community Response Unit
  • fully complete the application form, including geographic area covered, contact details for lead individuals, and bank details for transfer of funding
  • be willing to participate in an evaluation to show how the grant has been spent
  • ensure that the application meets at least one of the following criteria:
    • support to increase COVID-19 vaccination uptake
    • protect people most vulnerable to COVID-19
    • increase mental health and wellbeing and support individual and community resilience
    • promote safer behaviours to reduce future risk of infection
    • directly address health inequalities arising from, or made worse, by the pandemic

If you have previously received a grant from the COVID-19 Community Response Fund, you are eligible to reapply. However, the second application must not be a duplication of the original request. Please also note that the eligibility criteria is now different from those of previous funds. Therefore, an organisation could re-submit an application that has previously been rejected, if it meets the new criteria.

Make an application

To make an application to the COVID-19 Community Fund, please complete our online form. If you're unable to do this, please let us know and we can send you a paper copy.

Please ensure you provide an email address in the application as this will speed up the application process.

Apply to the COVID-19 Community Fund

Tips for completing your application

The following may help when filling in the form:

  • ensure that you meet at least one of the eligibility criteria
  • answer each section carefully and concisely
  • provide sufficient detail for us to know what it is you will deliver with the grant
  • be specific about what you will be spending the grant on, break down how the grant would be spent to enable the project to take place - if there isn't enough space to include the costs of all the items you are requesting funding for, you can attach a separate sheet
  • provide evidence of need: explain why the project is necessary in terms of where it is being delivered
  • supply an email address that will be monitored for the next 12 months
  • contact the team with any questions you may have about your application, and we will try to help

Deadline for applications

Applications are reviewed by the panel on a regular basis. The fund will close on 30 June 2024, but we recommend that organisations submit their application as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about the COVID-19 Community Fund or the application process, email