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Avian influenza (bird flu)

Avian influenza is a highly infectious disease affecting many species of birds, including poultry, wild and pet birds.

Keepers of poultry and captive birds urged to be vigilant

An outbreak of avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 has been confirmed by Defra on 7 September 2023 in commercial poultry near Uttoxeter, East Staffordshire (AIV 2023/48). A 3km Protection Zone and a 10km surveillance zone has been declared around the premises, with the 10km zone affecting parts of South Derbyshire and Derbyshire Dales.

Keepers within a protection zone or a surveillance zone are required to comply with the conditions of those zones.

We would like to urge all keepers of poultry or captive birds to take measures to protect their flocks and stop bird flu spreading.

You can use the interactive map to check for currently active zones.

Signs of avian influenza and how to report it

The signs of avian influenza and details of where to report suspected cases in poultry or other captive birds are on the DEFRA website.

Wild birds

You can report dead sick or injured wild birds or get advice on what to do with dead wild birds that are not collected for testing.

Register your flock

You can help prevent the spread of disease and protect the national poultry flock by registering your flock (however small) on the Poultry Register.